In this epic 3v3 MOBA, each team will work together to try and destroy the opposing team’s Crystal. Your team will work together to reach victory while battling your way through hordes of minions, an onslaught of enemy heroes, and raging turrets. In this game, you have the chance to be any hero from the entire LORE roster! Each hero has a different set of abilities and skills, making each and every one of them unique and special in their own way. The shop is available during battle as well, enabling you to upgrade the strength of your attacks. Good luck and have fun while experiencing LORE!
July 09, 2018
Not being mean, but the game's graphics need some upgrade to it. Sometimes text is hard to see, maybe had shadow behind the text or put an object behind it to make it easier to see.
The game is a bit hard to manuever and to enjoy as the left joystick is for moving AND facing your character. Maybe add the right joystick for shooting and facing, that way you can walk and shoot at different angles.
July 08, 2018
Thank you for the suggestion!
July 08, 2018
What's that? Is this a "game"? The graphics are the biggest shit, the "find match" is just a waste of time for nothing. That just sucks. Do better than that! How long did it take you? One day?!
July 08, 2018
Actually it took me closer to a month. I just looked at all the games you have made. I would not be the one talking. Your games are worse than mine. One of your games is literally called “bad game”. I think all of your games should be called that.
July 08, 2018
No need to be like that Dave, the hub is here for us to help each other, not tell them their games are rubbish. LittleRat don't make fake loading screens and match finders, it's really annoying when you are waiting for nothing just to make the game look professional with its load screen and matchmaker. You're not the only one that does it. Instead, what you could do is just have a simple loading screen with no bars or anything moving, so people just look at this scene while hyperPad loads the game for real.
July 08, 2018
Thank you for the suggestion!
July 10, 2018
LittleRat, I'm available to help make your game for you, take a look at my profile. I've collaborated twice before, so I'm experienced, and it can help with making your games look better, feel faster, and overall, improve opinions.
July 10, 2018
I would be happy to collaborate with you, but I have to see what you come up with as soon as it is finished to see if it is actually better. Make sure that if you use my game to branch that you credit me.
July 11, 2018
Ok then Give me a week, and I'll be done :) We'll keep in touch in the DM in Forums!
July 11, 2018
Little rat, I have finished my take on the game, and it's on the hub. I have given credit, like you asked. It also takes less time to load due to removing silly, unneeded parts.