Infinity Square

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Infinity Square is addicting, fun, and always being improved upon. If you have suggestions, or anything else to say for that matter, comment below.

You can also reach me at You can follow my Instagram gamecrazyprofessional.


Last Updated: September 21, 2022

New modes, new themes, reworked physics. Graphic updates too.

Next update will focus completely on visuals, so stay tuned for that (estimated one month).

Have fun!



March 22, 2018

February 09, 2017

Are you sure you're ready to publish? You need to add some sort of reason for the user to keep playing, it's not a bad game but won't it get a bit repetitive, especially because nothing really changes as you keep playing and get better, some sort of progress maybe? I don't know, maybe you don't need that.

February 09, 2017

At this point, I just need to get it out. Then, I can try focusing in on that. And the other stuff too. Right...?

March 22, 2018

Can you give it a play?

January 22, 2017

It's an interesting idea but right now I can just wait and do nothing until I get a power up. Maybe make it timed or something. I got to 12 by just waiting until I got triple size and it was easy (I probably could get a better score if I played again).

January 22, 2017

Makes sense, thanks for the feedback. Maybe I'll make it based on the score because right now you get a power-up after 25-30 seconds. Let's see what I can do...

February 09, 2017

I've fixed the issue.

February 09, 2017

The second mode feels way easier than the first... I got over 100 on the second one but only 9 on the first one. It does feel repetitive and I don't feel like I improve at it. Maybe make it move slower and then slowly speed up over time, so the player can't just sit there and wait for ages, and the game doesn't start off really hard.

February 09, 2017

OK, I'll do just that. Thanks for the feedback :).

February 10, 2017

I ended up making the second mode harder, but in general they're both easier due to screen positioning. Will it work this way?

January 21, 2017

Interesting, but I don't see any power ups, my high score is 10. Very strange idea for a game lol but not too bad.

January 21, 2017

I don't understand.. My «blob» just spins and doesn't move. Kinda bug?

January 21, 2017

Are you sur it isn't moving. I made this with the beta version of Hyperpad.

January 22, 2017

It isn't moving. Yeah.

February 09, 2017

You should be able to play now.

February 10, 2017

Yes, it is working now.