Use hyperPad in your classroom!

Teach computer science and STEM skills by enabling your students to easily and quickly build great games


Below, you can find an overview of the hyperPad education kit.
It is broken down into four parts:

The Basic Tutorial, Intermediate Tutorial, Advanced Tutorial and Educators Kit - STEM.

This course is designed to teach your students a variety of skills! You can use this presentation as a guide to introduce your students to the four part curriculum.

  • The Basic Tutorial

    In this program, we will develop a simple introductory project that will teach your students how to make a platformer game.

    The entire lesson can be, completed within an hour with the provided game assets.

    There are only 2 main parts to this series and both are less than 10 minutes. It can be used within classes to teach children from Grade 3 (8 year olds) and above. It is also a great way to experience the beauty of hyperPad.



    Assignments & Lesson Plans


    Intermediate Tutorial

    This is a more complex tutorial series that teaches students “How To Make a Multiplayer Game - hyperPong”.

    Each part ranges between 15 - 20 minutes. This covers more complex programming concepts in hyperPad.



    Assignments & Lesson Plans


    Advanced Topics

    In this final instalment of the program, students will learn about other hyperPad users and the possibilities of STEM.

    At the end of this presentation, students are encouraged to take what they've learned and create a project of their own.



    Educators Kit (STEM)

    This presentation introduces educators to STEM topics using hyperPad. It includes interactive lessons to teach physics, math, engineering and more.



    Want to Contact us?

    We'd love to hear from you. If you have a question, feedback, or just want to chat, drop us a line by filling out the form below.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do I need the hyperPad App?

    Yes. Each iPad must have hyperPad installed on it.

    Do you offer volume pricing?

    Yes. We take part in Apple's Education Volume Pricing program. You can learn more about it here. Our School/District plan are well suited for the volume pricing.

    Are there any resources to help get students started?

    Yes. hyperPad gives you access to the hyperPad shop which allows users to download free assets like characters, graphics, sounds and more. Additionally, there is the help manual to get students up and running.